




I am using VS 2008 C# Windows Application.

I have this DLL Import I am trying to use.

[DllImport("Mapi32.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
private static extern void
UCOMIStream lpCompressedRTFStream,
uint ulflags,
out UCOMIStream lpUncompressedRTFStream

public const uint MAPI_MODIFY = 0x00000001;
public const uint STORE_UNCOMPRESSED_RTF = 0x00008000;

I have a compressed string that is in CompressedRFTFormat.

How do I pass the string into the WrapCompressedRTFStream? I do not understand what the method is expecting.

I am trying to use it on a button.

RichText1.text = WrapCompressedRTFStream(_CompressedRichText.ToString(),something,somethingelse);

The first error I get is "cannot convert from 'string' to 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream"

I hope someone who understands this posts an answer that helps!

ok, so I end up in the same situation when I use the IStream.

[DllImport("Msmapi32.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
private static extern void WrapCompressedRTFStream(
    IStream lpCompressedRTFStream,
uint ulflags,
    out IStream lpUncompressedRTFStream

The real issue here is I do not understand what / how to deal with the input and output of this method.


I suppose it's not a good idea to use legacy native-code libraries & I would investigate some more time to find analogous code in .net

Try out com interop or p-invoke .net technologies to use legacy code.

Andrew Florko
I tried to use it with the com interop, but I failed to get it working. Looking at the code on the link can you help me use it with interop? (I do not want to learn C++ at this point.) As for Analogous code in .net. I have not found any as of yet.
Code Smack
May be this article will help:
Andrew Florko

If you can't find a native .NET method for doing this, a good approach would be to contain your approach in a Managed C++ wrapper.

What this will let you do is create C++ code to perform your work, while exposing a managed class to call the method. This may be more complicated since it will require you to learn Managed C++, but allows you to do any C++ work necessary, returning a .NET string containing your "answer".

Will Eddins
well, that would be great, but like you said I would have to learn C++ (I am not ready to spend the time on that just yet) I just need to figure out how to use the code on the link in my post within a C# windows form.
Code Smack

UCOMIStream is deprecated, use ComTypes.Istream instead. Then look at

Any guidance on how to move strings in and out of the ISTREAM object?
Code Smack
IStream is not an (existing) object; it's an interface. You'll have to implement it in your own class.