



Is it possible to develop a web-app in ASP.NET (framework is not a constraint), to have a sandbox architecture, and deploy widgets without disturbing the parent application?

I expect both the parent application and the widget to be developed using .NET.

EDIT: To elaborate, I want to have an web-app, say App1, and widgets (say wid1 and wid2). wid1 and wid2 should be like a plugin into App1, only difference is that, if I make any changes to wid1, I want to be able to deploy it without disturbing App1 or Wid2. The widgets can be something similar to a flash object, only that it needs to be developed on .net.

+2  A: 

I believe you will want to look into Application Pools. In a web server running IIS with ASP.NET websites, you can create Application Pools which will contain your applications (web sites). You can restrict pools to limit resources usage like RAM, CPU, # of threads, etc. If one of the websites go crazy, it should only affect it's own Application Pool. You can put more than one website in a single Application Pool so if you put all of the websites in one Application Pool, then they will all crash together.

@StevenGilligan: I guess, I wasn't clear in my question. I am not looking at the App Pool aspect. Have updated the question with some elaboration.
Srikanth Venugopalan
+1  A: 

Would something like the Managed Extensibility Framework be what you are looking for? They even have a WebForms sample:-

Gee thanks.. This looks promising, but still in development stage, need to check with my architect if we can start prototypes using this. +1 to you!
Srikanth Venugopalan

if you are interested to leverage SharePoint for this purpose here the link throws some views..

No, at this point we are not looking at Sharepoint platform. I was wondering if there were any trick to do it in ASP.NET itself.
Srikanth Venugopalan