


 I've a website in While running the website i get the following error:

"Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype."

 My DB file looks as follows:

<%@ Import namespace="ADODB" %>

Dim strDataSource As String Dim cnnCRM As ADODB.Connection

<% cnnCRM = New ADODB.Connection strDataSource = Server.MapPath(".") & "/database/crm.mdb" 'strDataSource="c://crm/crm.mdb" cnnCRM.Open("PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & strDataSource) %>

I've tried giving the record set object all the properties it required. Still the same error. Can anybody tell me how i can get rid of this error?.....

DB has full permissions. This error happened when i called a function.My code is shown below:

<%=(funcGetMaxDate(rstAWCList.Fields("TOMONTH").Value, rstAWCList.Fields("TOYEAR").Value) & "/" & IIF(IsDBNull(rstAWCList.Fields.Item("TOMONTH").Value), Nothing, rstAWCList.Fields.Item("TOMONTH").Value) & "/" & IIF(IsDBNull(rstAWCList.Fields.Item("TOYEAR").Value), Nothing, rstAWCList.Fields.Item("TOYEAR").Value))%>

The definiton works perfectly. The function definition is as follows:

Function funcGetMaxDate(ByRef prmMonth As String, ByRef prmYear As String) As String Dim intPrmMonth As Integer intPrmMonth =prmMonth Dim iDate As String

Select Case intPrmMonth
    Case 1
        iDate = 31
    Case 2
        iDate = CheckMaxDateFebruary(prmYear)
    Case 3
        iDate = 31
    Case 4
        iDate = 30
    Case 5
        iDate = 31
    Case 6
        iDate = 30
    Case 7
        iDate = 31
    Case 8
        iDate = 31
    Case 9
        iDate = 30
    Case 10
        iDate = 31
    Case 11
        iDate = 30
    Case 12
        iDate = 31
    Case Else
        iDate = 0
End Select  
funcGetMaxDate = iDate  

End Function

When the ctrl reaches back the calling function this exception occurs.....


Does the user that the website is running as have permission to modify that MDB file? If the database is either read-only or only has NTFS read permissions, it's possible that it may report this error.

Hi, I've edited the question with your reply as well as my code. plz check the question once again................
+1  A: 

It really looks like you need to specify cursor information such as adOpenDynamic or adOpenStatic as well as lock information such as adLockOptimistic

RS.Open(..., Con, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

Also, you'll find that most people in the .Net world have moved away from ADODB and use either the native SqlClient or native OLEDB providers.

Chris Haas
I got same solution and it worked for me. Any way Thanks for your answer... Chris