



Hi folks,

got an new assignment covering Oracle databases. My problem now is that I am completely new to the Oracle system and never worked with it before. I need to develop a concept covering the installation and configuration of the server. Afterwards I need to migrate the old server to the new while ensuring date consistence.

I just wanted to ask if you guys have some useful links for introduction and of course good literature / books on this topic?

Thanks and cheers from Cologne



"Mastering Oracle SQL" from O'Reilly is a pretty good book. Also, web site wise has some good articles. Also, is quite good.

Greg Reynolds

Articles at are a good start.

+4  A: 

The Oracle online documentation is pretty good.

There is a complete set of docs for installing the database on just about every platform known to man. Find out more.

Also, read the 2-Day DBA guide before you start tinkering.

It might seem like more detail than you need right now but you should read the Concepts Guide. Sites like Oracle-Base are brilliant as cookbooks for solving specific problems but nothing beats having a solid grounding in the concepts.

As you haven't specified a version I linked to the 10gR2 docs. There are similar sets for 11gR1, 11gR2 and 9iR2.

Afterwards I need to migrate the old server to the new while ensuring date consistence.

This is a jolly hard task, and not one I would expect a neophyte to handle. How fierce is the data consistency constraint? Do you have any downtime at all? How much data are you handling?

Well... I thought I take it step by step... First of all get the knowledge, than a clean concept and a running and stable installation. I think by the time I reach the last step I can continue making a migration concept... Thanks anyway for the good starting points here...
Marco Nätlitz
@MarcoNatlitz - that seems like a sensible plan of approach.

video tutorials on youtube
