


+3  Q: 

Regex for date.

What should be the regex for matching date of any format like

 30 Jul 2009
 27 Mar 2008
 27 Aug 2009

What should be the regular expression for that ?

I have regex that matches with 26-Feb-2009 and 26 FEB 2009 with but not with 26FEB2009. So if any one know then please update it.


The date 26FEB2009 is substring of other string like FUTIDX 26FEB2009 NIFTY 0 and parsed from html page, so I can not set the whitespace or delimiter.

EDIT Examples :

Jan 11 2008
May 26 2008
27 Mar 2008
+1  A: 

If it's matching 26 FEB 2009 and not 26FEB2009, sounds like you need to make the whitespace and delimiter character("-" and "/") between each date segment optional.

The + meta character specifies one or more, consider using * (zero or more) for the whitespace.


What I meant was, if your regular expression is matching dates with the whitespace/delimiter character, but is not matching the dates without either of them i.e 26FEB2009, then it sounds like you're specifying that the whitespace/delimiter be compulsory for a match.

Here's something I quickly knocked together:


You might want to check that it's not missing certain features that you want, but it matches all of your examples.

@Moonshield,The date **26FEB2009** is substring of other string like **FUTIDX 26FEB2009 NIFTY 0** and parsed from html page, so I can not set the whitespace or delimiter.
@Moonshield: Because his months may be `Feb` or `FEB`, I would list the months in the regex as all lower case. The tested string can then be `.ToLower()`.
@dboarman-FissureStudios: Good point, the widget I tested the regex with has "case insensitive" turned on.
`Sept` should be `sep` -- you should edit your answer to reflect a more accurate solution ;)
@Moonshield,Regex you have defined in the answer gives error like Regex is incomplete.
@Harikrishna It works in the regex testers I've used, if you're using this in C# you may need to escape each of the backslash characters in the regex string.
+4  A: 

I would advice you against using regex for parsing dates and even strongly against using regex for parsing HTML. For parsing dates you may take a look at the TryParseExact method and for parsing HTML a DOM parser such as Html Agility Pack:

var dateStr = "26FEB2009";
var formats = new[] 
    "ddMMMyyyy", "dd MMM yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy"
DateTime date;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(
    out date))
    // You have a match, use the date object
Darin Dimitrov
@Darin Dimitrov,Is it inbuilt method in .net ?
Yes, I've linked it to MSDN.
Darin Dimitrov
@Darin Dimitrov,Ok..then, we have to just define the different format in the parameter and all the date we define in the for the format parameter will be matched ? Is it open-source dll ? From where I can download it ?
If you are talking about the `DateTime.TryParseExact` method there's nothing to download, it is already in .NET, if you are talking about Html Agility Pack, click on the link in my answer.
Darin Dimitrov
@Darin Dimitrov,How to write format for date 07.11.2008 ?
Darin Dimitrov
@Darin Dimitrvo,How can we use regex here to match any string in which there is a date ?