




How can I generate a UML sequence diagram from a file containing a textual representation of my process, with command-line tools in Linux?

+2  A: 

Not sure if it's what you want, but UMLGraph can generate sequence diagrams using graphviz and ghostscript...

Ghostscript isn't needed. GraphViz can directly generate PNG, SVG, and many other file types.
Diomidis Spinellis
@Diomidis: re-reading my comment, I realize I got several things mixed up:- GraphViz (alone) is used to generate class diagrams- the GNU plotutils (alone) are used to generate sequence diagrams.In some script I wrote a long time ago, I was using ghostscript to render the diagram at a high resolution. Then it was fed to ImageMagick to make the background transparent. See http://blog.julien.cayzac.name/2004/11/drawing-uml-sequence-diagrams-with-gnu.html
+2  A: 

If your text representation is closely similar to yuml, you might be able to use it to produce images, e.g.

Simple Association

[Customer]->[Billing Address]
<img src="http://yuml.me/diagram/scruffy/class/[Customer]-&gt;[Billing Address]"/>
Image of sample UML relationship

Bert F
yUML looks great! Thanks!
+1  A: 

http://umlet.com/ is another solution

Florian Diesch

There are many (many=more than 10) tools for this. See a complete list: http://modeling-languages.com/content/uml-tools#textual

Jordi Cabot

You can contact Reverse Java Team. We gave our text representation to them and they created nice Sequence diagram from it. The sequence diagram created can be exported as PDF or JPEG files

Rajesh Jadhav