



I am using boost::thread to process messages in a queue. When a first message comes I start a message processing thread. When a second message comes I check if the message processing thread is done.

if it is done I start a new one if it is not done I don nothing.

How do I know if the thread is done ? I tried with joinable() but it is not working, as when the thread is done, it is still joinable.

I also tried to interrupt the process at once, and add an interruption point at the end of my thread, but it did not work.



I would like to have my thread sleep for an undetermined time, and wake up when a signal is triggered.

The mean to do it is boost::condition_variable


Have you tried checking get_id() with boost::this_thread::get_id(). If they match the thread does not exist. But that will only happen if you have exited the thread.

The thread IDs are always different even when the thread is done.How can I exit the thread ?
By exit the thread I just mean it should come to the point where the thread stops and return. But I guess joinable() do the same thing.
+2  A: 

As far as I know you should use the join() method to wait the end of a thread execution. You can use it with a timeout with timed_join().

You can interrupt threads with interrupt(). In this case, inside the thread an exception will occur if the execution reaches an interruption point ( a boost::this_thread::sleep() or boost::this_thread::interruption_point() ). You catch the exception inside the thread and you can then close it.

+2  A: 

Spawning a new thread for each incoming message is very inefficient. You should check out the Thread pool pattern.


Sorry, jules, I misread your question. I recommend you take a look at the producer-consumer pattern. Check out this article on how to roll your own blocking queue using boost condition variables. Intel's Thread Building Blocks also has a blocking queue implementation.

Check out this SO question about existing lock-free queue implementations.

Hope this helps.

Emile Cormier
My idea is to have only one processing thread. When it is done processing, I would like it to sleep, and to be able to wake it up as soon as a new message comes. Do you know how to do that with boost ?
You'll want a producer-consumer queue. See my addendum above.
Emile Cormier
I understand well the producer-consumer pattern. What I need is a way to wake up a thread on an event (when the buffer is not empty any more). I don't know what are the means to do this.
The link to the article I posted in my answer shows how to use a Boost condition variable to wait for an event (queue not empty). You may also want to check out Boost's documentation here:
Emile Cormier