



Hi there

I'm using MS Access 2003 and I'm trying to execute a few queries at once using VB. When I write out the query in SQL it works fine, but when I try to do it in VB it asks me to "Enter Parameter Value" for DEPA, then DND (which are the first few letters of a two strings I have). Here's the code:

Option Compare Database

Public Sub RemoveDupelicateDepartments()

Dim oldID As String
Dim newID As String
Dim sqlStatement As String

oldID = "DND-01"
newID = "DEPA-04"

sqlStatement = "UPDATE [Clean student table] SET [HomeDepartment]=" & newID & " WHERE [HomeDepartment]=" & oldID & ";"

DoCmd.RunSQL sqlStatement & ""

End Sub

It looks to me as though it's taking in the string up to the - then nothing else. I dunno, that's why I'm asking lol. What should my code look like?

+3  A: 

You probably want to insert quotes around the IDs.

Carl Manaster
+5  A: 

Use (') character to set start and end of value

sqlStatement = "UPDATE [Clean student
table] SET [HomeDepartment]='" & newID
& "' WHERE [HomeDepartment]='" & oldID
& "';"
Ah that works. Any reason why?
Because the literal query is something like "...SET field = 'abc'..." instead of "...SET field = abc...". If you try to run the second (unquoted) query directly in Access, you will see the same error.
Carl Manaster
Ah, thank you very much! This answers all my questions (except the one Mr. Coehoorn has me wondering about now :P )
Joel's point is that you are open to executing any arbitrary data that the user supplies for your variable. He assumes a lot but he has a point. See for a lengthy discussion of the issue.