



Databases are stored in the relative folder ../var/lib/couchdb/ by default:

database_dir = ../var/lib/couchdb
view_index_dir = ../var/lib/couchdb

I can't find a way of moving this to an absolute path. What should I type to store databases on a different disk?

Edit: Can it be a rights problem? I first changed it to c:/temp without luck. Did not see existing databases, and could not create new ones. Restarted the service, and then it worked.

After changing database_dir to a shared folder (z:/...) I get the following response when trying to create a new db with Futon:

{gen_server,call, [couch_server, {create,<<"tools">>, [{user_ctx, {user_ctx,null, [<<"_admin">>], <<"{couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}">>}}]}]}

Again I'm not able to see existing databases either. This time a restart want solve anything.

I'm running this inside a VMWare Fusion session. Z is a shared folder set up through vmware.

+1  A:

This link can help you a bit.
