




I'm trying to install a library (libspopc), but, when I run the make command, I get the errors:

strip libspopc.a libspopc.so
strip: 'libspopc.a': No such file
strip: 'libspopc.so': No such file
make: *** [install] Error 

Working under the assumption that every version of the library I've tried isn't actually missing two of its files, what could cause this? I am running it as su, as instructed, if it's relevant.

+1  A: 

While this question is only remotely related to programming (seems more like something for superuser.com), on linux you should whenever you can use the package manager of your system. In most cases, it let's you fetch the files as binaries (thus avoiding possible compilation frustrations), keeps your system clean and is (most importantly for me) easy to remove again. Oh yeah, and it helps you keep the library up to date.

Try looking in your package manager! If it's a fairly popular library, it's probably in your package manager's repositiories!

At least I know it's in mine!

$ bauerbill --aur -Ss libspopc
AUR/libspopc 0.9-1
    A simple pop3 mail client library
Arch Linux for the win :)
Oh hell yes! :)