



The default appearance of a method for example, ".ToString()" is by default the color black. I want to make it a different color to stand out but I do not see any options that reference this option specifically.

I remember one of former collegues showing me his VS IDE years ago and he had it setup this way but I cannot recall what he did.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?


Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors has an extensive list of things you can change both font face, font size, color, style, etc.

Also, Jeff Atwood had a great post a few years ago about IDE font and colour schemes that you might find interesting.

Charlie Salts
Yeah I know about these options. But which one specifically does the change I mentioned above?

No can do. Syntax highlighters use lexical analysis. Identifiers, comments, literals, keywords. Recognizing that an identifier is a method, property, field requires parsing. Parsing only works well when you've got a well-formed program. Not only is it slow, your program is very rarely well-formed while you are typing code.

Hans Passant
If this is true then darnit!