



When using mmap() for shared memory (from Linux, or other UNIX-like systems) is it possible (and portable) to use fcntl() (or flock() or lockf() functions) to co-ordinate access to the mapping?

Responses to this SO question seems to suggest that it should work.

The idea I have in mind would be to have the shared memory structured with a process/page map to minimize the locking contention. Processes could each work with their pages concurrently, and a lock would only need to be acquired when updating the process/page mappings. (Read access from unowned pages would involve checking a serial number, copying the desired data, then validating that the serial number of that block hadn't changed).

Conceptually each process sharing this file mapping would perform the mmap(), find a free block therein, acquire a lock to the process/page area, update that with its own assignment, release the lock and then go on merrily with its work. Any process could search for stale mappings (using kill() with zero as the signal) and clean up the process/page table mapping.

(In rough, generic terms, I'm toying with a producer/consumer processing engine using shared memory from Python over Linux; I'd like the solution to be portable to BSD and to other programming languages --- so long as the support mmap() and the necessary interfaces to fcntl(), flock() or lockf(). I'd also be interested in psuedo-code showing how one would measure lock contention and detect any synchronization failures. I am aware that the threading and multiprocessing with their respective Queue() objects are the most straightforward way to implement a Python producer/consumer processing model).