I would like to write a transition where all the elements from State1 rotate around Y axis and then show elements from State2 This s illustrated in the dummy code below (just imagine Label 1 is a Group).
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:State name="State1"/>
<s:State name="State2"/>
<s:Transition fromState="*" toState="State2" autoReverse="true">
<s:Rotate3D target="{label2}" angleYFrom="-90" angleYTo="0" autoCenterTransform="true" duration="1000"/>
<s:Rotate3D id="phaseOut" target="{label1}" angleYFrom="0" angleYTo="90" autoCenterTransform="true" duration="1000" effectEnd="currentState='State2'" />
<s:Label id="label1" includeIn="State1" text="This is state 1" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
<s:Label id="label2" includeIn="State2" text="This is state 2" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
<s:Button label="Change" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="30" click.State1="phaseOut.play()" click.State2="currentState='State1'"/>
My first problem is when the state transition is invoked, all elements from State1 are already gone, hence I have to split the transition in two hacks (see "phaseOut")
This seems really poor since I am essentially rewritting the transition mechanism.
Q1: Is there a "clean" way to transition elements that do not belong to State2 ?
The second problem is when you revert back to State 1, elements have been rotated.
Q2: Is there such a thing as "autoReverse" for animations?
Thanks for your time!