




i need to execute command line from .NET windows application. I tried with this code but i get error

'C:\Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

var command ="\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\test.exe\" \"D:\\abc.pdf\" \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\def.pdf\"";

var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd","/c " + command)
    UseShellExecute = false,
    RedirectStandardError = true,
    CreateNoWindow = true
var p = Process.Start(processInfo);
+5  A: 

I don't think you need to shell out to cmd. Just call the exe directly:

var command ="\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\test.exe\" \"D:\\abc.pdf\" \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\def.pdf\"";
var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command)
                          UseShellExecute = false,
                          RedirectStandardError = true,
                          CreateNoWindow = true
var p = Process.Start(processInfo);
+5  A: 

Try using the overloaded version of Process.Start and pass the parameters in the second argument.

var command = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\test.exe";
var parameters = @"""D:\abc.pdf"" ""C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\def.pdf""";

var p = Process.Start(command, parameters);

This is assuming that you're trying to call test.exe with the pdf files as parameters.

Phil Lamb

Besides the fact that you don't need to start your process via cmd.exe (as already mentioned in another answer), I think you need to separate the command-line arguments from the name of the process to start; ie. try something similar to this:

var command   = @"C:\...\test.exe";
var arguments = @"D:\abc.pdf ...";

var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command, arguments)
                      CreateNoWindow = true,
                      ...  // add other options as needed

var p = Process.Start(processInfo);

As you can see, the executable's name and the command-line arguments have moved into separate parameters of the ProcessStartInfo constructor. (You obviously need to put the proper strings back in there; I abbreviated them for clarity's sake.)
