I have a Logins
table which records when user is login
, logout
or loginFailed
and its timestamp. Now I want to get the list of loginFailed
after last login
and the loginFailed
happened within 24 hrs.
What I am doing now is get the last login timestamp first. then use second query to get the final list. do you think I should join those two queris together? why not? why yes? and How if yes.
var lastLoginTime = (from inRecord in db.Logins
where inRecord.Users.UserId == userId
&& inRecord.Action == "I"
orderby inRecord.Timestamp descending
select inRecord.Timestamp).Take(1);
if (lastLoginTime.Count() == 1)
DateTime lastInTime = (DateTime)lastLoginTime.First();
DateTime since = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24);
String actionStr = "F";
var records = from record in db.Logins
where record.Users.UserId == userId
&& record.Timestamp >= since
&& record.Action == actionStr
&& record.Timestamp > lastInTime
orderby record.Timestamp
select record;