hello i have the next regex
Dim origen As String = " /c /p:""c:\mis doc umentos\mis imagenes construida\archivo.txt"" /cid:45 423 /z:65 /a:23 /m:39 /t:45rt "
Dim str As String = "(^|\s)/p:""\w:(\\(\w+[\s]*\w+)+)+\\\w+.\w+""(\s|$)"
Dim ar As Integer
Dim getfile As New Regex(str)
Dim mgetfile As MatchCollection = getfile.Matches(origen)
ar = mgetfile.Count
When i evaluate this it works, and gets the /p:""c:\mis doc umentos\mis imagenes construida\archivo.txt"" that basically is the path to a file.
But if I change the origen string to
Dim origen As String = " /c /p:""c:\mis doc umentos\mis imagenes construida\archivo.txt""/cid:45 423 /z:65 /a:23 /m:39 /t:45rt "
Check that the end of the file is follow by "/cid:45" whitchs makes de patter invalid, but insted of getting a mgetfile.count = 0 the program is block, if i make a debug I got a property evaluation failed.
Thanks for your comments !!!