




I'm developing a Smart card Minidriver and I'm trying to Sign an Email using Outlook 2007. I have implemented all of the necessary functions in the minidriver.

I'm able to create a "Smartcard User" certificate and save it and it's private key on the smartcard (using Microsoft Certificate Services via the Minidriver).

  • When I try to sign an EMail via Outlook I'm getting Error Message (Internal Error), the last call to the minidriver is for ReadFile with "cmapfile"

  • When I try to sign an EMail via Outlook with a difference non-smartcard certificate it's work fine.

  • When I try to sign a Data using CryptoAPI (based on Windows SDK Sample) it's working fine.

I'm using Windows 7.

someone got any idea how to debug this issue?

I tried to enable the CAPI2 eventlog, it don't give me any good information.


The problem was that the CP_CARD_PIN_INFO property in CardGetProperty its field dwChangePermission was set to 0 and the valid values are 1-8
