



I'm using an HTC Snap running WinMo 6.5 Standard and I have a seemingly simple requirement - when the device goes into "BacklightOff" power mode the application needs to continue to collect GPS location data. By default the device shuts down the GPS receiver.

I've tried a boatlod of things to achieve this over the last 2 days. I've read the sparse info in the MSDN Forums. Nothing that woked for my device.

I've read Joel's CodeProject article and tried several things there including calling DevicePowerNotify, SetDevicePower and SetPowerRequirement. None of these had any effect.

I tried calling PowerPolicyNotify coupled with SystemIdleResetTimer to try to get it to just run in unattended mode. The device still does into low-power mode (yes, it's ignoring the SystemIdleTimerReset call, tried it from C# and C).

I tried modifying the power profiles in the registry. No effect before of after device reset.

I consider myself to be a least somewhat versed in writing apps for these things, but this one really has me up against the wall. Basically it seems that this specific phone is not using the CE power manager, but instead is doing it's own thing. Does anyone have any experience with this specific platform and trying to alter anything with it's power (or backlight) profiles? Any suggestions or thoughts based on experience?


So the answer ended up being that there really is no way to control it. In fact there appears to be littel standardization of the behavior of the power for peripherals from device to device (using a different HTC device it works just fine). In the end, I recommended that the client either find different hardware or move to a platform other than WinMo that has some standardization for this.
