Other alternative, especially when handling XML files, would be to use PHP's SimpleXML, this way you can traverse your XML tree structure easily. Could be as follows:
It is worth mentioning that if you are loading remote files you need, at your ini file, "allow_url_fopen" enabled.
allow_url_fopen = On
Assuming this is the XML being loaded
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service_provider>Domain Tools</service_provider>
<date>Wed, 12 May 2010 00:43:07 GMT</date>
In your PHP file
$xml = simplexml_load_file('http://mydomain.com/test.xml');
echo $xml->children()->ip_address;
And you should get
As, you can see, using SimpleXML http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php it really gets simple :)