




Is it possible to have a user sign into mywebsite via paypal and have the website retrieve the user's paypal postal address?

+2  A: 

There are possibilites to do PayPal integrations. See their PayPal SOAP API Overview. I've mainly seen this being used for validating and charging credit cards.

And there are alternatives that lets the users login to paypal but you have to re-direct them to paypal first. There are ways to get the adress that they provided in the purchase but you cannot authenticate them on PayPal via your site.

The Website PayPal Payments Pro allows for some additional features.

Express Checkout lets you accept PayPal payments on your website. Your customers benefit because paying for items is fast. They don't have to spend time typing in financial and shipping information because their information is already stored in their PayPal account.

  1. Your customer chooses to pay with PayPal by entering their email address and PayPal password, without leaving your website.
  2. Your customer makes the payment using PayPal.
  3. The payment information is sent to PayPal using PayPal Express Checkout API operations.
  4. The funds from the transaction are sent to your PayPal account.

But it seems you cannot let the users login and just retreiv their information without performing a purchase.

Filip Ekberg