




Does iSpring presenter or any other Scorm Compliant Quiz published make available its quiz scores, slides viewed, slides count in a SCORM compliant way, which can be accessible by any other SCORM compliant quiz builder in the same manner at the Client side javascript itself or through any medium through which it can be accessed at client side.

Currently I am able to capture the Slides viewed, its count, and the quiz score from the event available in lms.js, but its specific to ISpring only.


SCORM defines standard ways to report a lot of data. Here is a complete list of the SCORM data model elements.

Quiz scores are included in this data set (cmi.score.scaled, cmi.score.raw, cmi.score.min, cmi.score.max). Unfortunately though "slides viewed" and "slides count" are not available. SCORM is intended to be content agnostic; the internal implementation of content is a black box. Not all content has "slides" (and one would argue that the best content doesn't) so it doesn't make sense to have that as a generic data model element.

SCORM does provide a data model element that records "percent compete". The cmi.progress_measure element is a scaled value between 0-1 that indicates how far along the learner is in the content. That might be a good way to capture what you are looking for. Unfortunately however, since progress measure is new to SCORM 2004, not all authoring tools will report its value.

Mike Rustici