Hello, I am an uber n00b to flash AS3. And it is not my intention to sound like a complete moron, but honestly, I have had a hard enough time figuring out just how to load an external .swf into my main file! And now my friend is asking me if I could please add a button within the external .swf which will unload itself and load a new on in its place...
I have looked around in the forums for an answer for a while now and I believe it is time for me to break down, admit defeat, and ask for help.
Can someone please tell me it's not that difficult..? Surely it is possible...
Thank you in advance for any advice at all! I am looking forward to the time when I can post a response here!
2010-05-14 05:31:48
I forgot to add one thing here, my mistake.In the main swf, after "var SWFRequest:URL = new... etc", you must tell it to load the SWFRequest (or whatever you name it).>loader.load(SWFRequest); That oughta do it.
2010-05-14 07:03:25
welcome to stackoverflow!Use an answer when you actually want to answer the current question, use a comment or ask a new question properly formulated. goodluck!
George Profenza
2010-08-31 19:13:46
BennettD, would you be able to email me your files with that code (or some simple version of it)? I have exact same task to complete and still can't get it to work. What is "btn4"? Something is not working...
2010-10-12 18:57:24