




I am developing a web app but is not satisfied with is architecture that I am following. The architecture is plain old conventional 3 tier architecture. What i want is follow some design pattern or architecture that will be help me in decoupling my code. I have idea about MVC and MVP architectures for Web App but i need different from that. I want to use OOPS concepts using abstract classes and interfaces, polymorphism etc in my app but not MVC and MVP. I dont know why?

I havent tried any ado.net application earlier via abstract class or interfaces, so i need your help.


+1  A: 

I do not think anyone would be able to give you an accurate answer unless he knows about the kind of application you are developing.

I would say read about the design patterns available and then decide which pattern suites your application.

My application is pretty simple of Issue Tracking System. There is no such vast business algorithms simple CRUD operation. But i want design that will help me in updating my project at regular intervals as others do. For example trac [issue trackng system], is what i am developing on my own using ASP.Net with Sql Server 2008
Amit Ranjan
+1 Thanks for point me out the missing thing. This will help others too, what i want to achieve.
Amit Ranjan
+1  A: 

I think you'll find that much of what you're doing is already using interfaces (whether abstract classes or actual interfaces) and other oop design principles. Take a closer look at what you are doing and try to understand the underlying concepts that you are working with. Don't try to design for design's sake - patterns and principles are there to help solve problems, not to be an end unto themselves.

For learning more about design patterns I would simply start with Wikipedia's article on Design Patterns which gives a good overview as well as links for more details on specific patterns. Just remember that design patterns are a way to solve a common problem - they shouldn't be forced into an application.

Ryan Elkins
thanks ryan, but what if you were in my place. What you will opt any existing architecture. I havent that much idea about the Design Patterns. Any good site or link. That would be a great help
Amit Ranjan
+1 for the link to design patterns. There are quite a few and learning to use them properly can be a difficult journey.
@Amit, patterns are created based on grouping functions among other things. If you perform `funcA()`, `funcB()`, `funcC()` in different classes then design the pattern so that those functions are grouped into a base class (abstract or interface).