



Hello everyone.

I edited a post of mine with this question, yet got no answers.

I overloaded << for a class, Score (defined in score.h), in score.cpp.

ostream& operator<< (ostream & os, const Score & right)
 os << right.getPoints() << " " << right.scoreGetName();
 return os;

(getPoints fetches an int attribute, getName a string one)

I get this compiling error for a test in main(), contained in main.cpp

binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'Score' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

How come the compiler doesn't 'recognize' that overload as valid? (includes are proper)

Thanks for your time.


As requested, code causing the error:

cout << ":::::\n" << jogador.getScore() << endl;

jogador is a Player object, which contains a Score one. getScore returns that attribute.

+4  A: 

Perhaps you didn't declare your operator<< in score.h? It should normally contain something like:

ostream& operator<< (ostream & os, const Score & right);

Edit: More accurately, that should be:

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Score &right);

You definitely should not have a using namespace std; in a header, so you need the std:: for it to work correctly.

Jerry Coffin
That won't work, because the left side parameter is not of type `Score`. At least, another question on here made me think that.
Francisco P.
@Francisco P. - The compiler is complaining about an rvalue, not an lvalue. Ie, it's worried about the right hand parameter.
Don't put this one line in the class declaration, put it *after* the class declaration.
@dash-tom-bang - I see, thank you very much!
Francisco P.
Herb Sutter: "operator<< can't be a member because it requires a stream as the left-hand argument"
Jerry Coffin
+2  A: 

Try declaring operator<< as a friend function in your class:

struct Score
  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const Score& right);

This will allow your Score structure to fit nicely into printing statements:

Score my_score;
cout << my_score << endl;

When in doubt, check the C++ FAQ.

Thomas Matthews
I was looking for a different way to do that. Even though it works, there is no reason I need to friend operator<<. I like the accepted answer's suggestion more. But thanks for your time/effort in helping me.
Francisco P.
This answer is helpful if Score::getPoints() and/or Score::scoreGetName() are private. But I don't think you need the struct Score around it, by the Interface Principle.