



I have a ListView that is binded to my custom collection.

At run time , I am updating the certain properties of my entity in my custom collection in my ViewModel. At the same time , I am also doing the custom sorting in the listview.

The custom sorting is applicable when I click on the any column header of the listview.

For example, I am updating the current datetime on my entity on every 5 seconds and simulaneously , I am applying custom sorting based on DateTime.

(The Listview is third party control).

Hence I am doing two operations on my custom collection at the same time.

Should I pass the dispatcher of my control in the view model and call any methods ( which updates any entity in my custom collection ) through UI dispatcher ?


If want to update u r ui u have to use dispatcher, there is no other way to update the ui.

 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, (Action) delegate{ ///You can update your Ui here });

Are you using your thread only for updating the entity properties? If so, using dispatcher will result in erasing the meaning of using a thread since all the operation will be done by UI thread ultimately. You can better put your sorting logic in a different thread. Some code would help anyways.

Sorting logic is inbuilt in a listview (third party control ) and it seems that the listview do it in the UI thread only.
Ashish Ashu
@Ashish Ashu: Are you then using your thread only for updating your entity property? And how do you do that for every 5 sec? using a stopwatch?
Its a call back method exposed from another dll. It sends the notification and based on that I changed the status property of an entity in the collection.
Ashish Ashu
This seems to be the same case as the Jason Dolinger's example app in this link He uses the Dispatcher to alter the collection as items are retrieved from a service.