After some experimentation, I was able to solve this by doing something I thought I'd tried earlier: creating a new QThread and calling QAxWidget::dynamicCall from the new thread. I must not have coded it correctly the first time I tried this solution; after sitting with a co-worker, we were able to get it to work. To be specific, what we did is:
(Step 1) Created a subclass of QThread to represent the thread I need to call dynamicCall().
(Step 2) In the constructor of my QThread, pass in a pointer to my original QAxWidget, and keep the pointer in a member variable.
MyThread::MyThread(QAxWidget* passedWidget) : QThread()
actualWidget = passedWidget;
(Step 3) In the run() method of the QThread, call the dynamicCall() method of the QAxWidget.
void MyThread::run()
QVariant result = actualWidget->dynamicCall(...parms as necessary...);
(Step 4) Back in my main code, when I need to execute dynamicCall(), I just call the start() method of MyThread. The start() method will execute run() in its own thread, thus sending the necessary command to the ActiveX object without blocking or stalling the main GUI thread.