




I've been cloning a few repos from github that, even though I know they have branches/tags, do not have them once I clone them onto my local drive. strange. I try to list the tags (git tag) but nothing comes up...
I would look into .git/refs/tags/ and that too is empty.

the repos in question are:

any ideas? I really need specific tags/branches, and not the HEAD of the master


As mentionned in GitHub remotes:

Running git clone URL will automatically create a new subfolder, fetch the contents of the repo into this subfolder, then create and checkout the default branch (usually “master”).
If there are other branches on the remote you will need to create a local branch to work in, for example git checkout -b fix_stuff origin/fix_stuff

Meaning all the branches should be there, but in the 'remotes' namespace of your repo.
But you usually have only one remote tracking branch created for you after a clone (the default one, usually 'master').

Try a git branch -a or a gitk --all to check if you do see them.

As for tags (normally present in refs/tags namespace), let's hope it is not a repeat of this issue (March 2010).

Sorry everyone, we had a little snafu with the tag parser... tags should be showing up again as caches clear.
