I'm looking for a solution that can probably be best implemented at FileSystem level as a Network based Synchronized Filesystem:
I want to one-way synchronize files between two machines. However instead of pro-actively syncing everything, I want to do it "on-demand" i.e. whenever a program on the replicated machine accesses a file of the remote machine, it transparently gets "cached" or replicated on the mirror machine so that it won't be copied the next time it is accessed. I assume that files won't be frequently changed on the host machine so it is OK if the cache/replica is not updated immediately (or even not at all) if the files gets modified.
My environment is Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit for both machines.
I have looked into Global File System (GFS) but somehow I feel it'll be an overkill for the task at hand as well as it'll be a bit painful to set up.
I am willing to write cook some code and write a few scripts if that helps.
Any good options in this regard?