Also, when your if is 'one-armed' as they call it, it's typically also easier and more idiomatic to use when and unless:
Which means you get (when pred x y ... z) it will just evaluate x y z sequentially if pred is true. unless is used for the same if pred is NIL. x y z can contain from one to any. Thus:
(when pred (thunk))
Is just the same as
(if pred (thunk))
Some people say when and unless should always be used for 'one-armed-ifs' because of clarity.
Edit: Your thread gave me an idea, this macro:
(defmacro if/seq (cond then else)
`(if ,cond (progn ,@then) (progn ,@else)))
Should now enable this
(if/seq (find input num) //if this
((setq num NEWNUM) (FUNCT2)) //then execute both of these
((list 'not found)))))
So the general format is:
(if/seq *condition* (x y ... z) (a b ... c))
Depending on the condition it evaluates all of the subforms in the first or second, but only returns the last.