Are there ANY books (maybe even long tutorials) which cover making a basic, interpreted language?
You should say target environment, language, and OS you're using.
If you want to learn about implementing your own VM and scripting language, get the book Game Scripting Mastery. Despite its title, it is actually about implementing your own virtual machine and scripting language. The source code is for Win32, but the concepts can be applied to Mac OS or Linux.
As a bonus, when you're done you will have a playable, scriptable, 2D adventure game.
Don't do it. There are lots of good interpreted language like Python, javascript out there already. You can always embed them into your application. To design a good programming language need a lot of theory and deliberation plus a community to support it. Every time I see someone design their own "light-weight scripting language", it is inevitably crappy and hard to use beyond a few toy examples.
If you do this for academic interest, have fun with the dragon book. If you want something with practical use, embed one of the popular interpreter.
Take a look at the book below. The author is the creator of ANTLR.
Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages.
If you want to build compilers in an old, C-with-macros way, the Red Dragon Book is all you need.
If you want to build interpreters in a modern, structured, simpler way, use this other book:
Seriously, ANTLR takes interpreter and compiler generation to the 21st century.
By far, the best book for this is Writing Compilers and Interpreters by Ronald L. Mak.
The book explores basically everything you will need to develop a working interpreter from scratch. It explores object- oriented languages and writing a debugger. as well.
This book really helped me along when I was developing my own language.
The best book about writting an interpreter I'd read is Lisp in Small Pieces.
"This is a comprehensive account of the semantics and the implementation of the whole Lisp family of languages, namely Lisp, Scheme and related dialects.
It describes 11 interpreters and 2 compilers, including very recent techniques of interpretation and compilation. The book is in two parts.
The first starts from a simple evaluation function and enriches it with multiple name spaces, continuations and side-effects with commented variants, while at the same time the language used to define these features is reduced to a simple lambda-calculus. Denotational semantics is then naturally introduced.
The second part focuses more on implementation techniques and discusses precompilation for fast interpretation: threaded code or bytecode; compilation towards C. Some extensions are also described such as dynamic evaluation, reflection, macros and objects.
This will become the new standard reference for people wanting to know more about the Lisp family of languages: how they work, how they are implemented, what their variants are and why such variants exist. The full code is supplied (and also available over the Net). A large bibliography is given as well as a considerable number of exercises. Thus it may also be used by students to accompany second courses on Lisp or Scheme."