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What are your programming exercises?

Are there any programming exercises that apply to any language? Before I got my first job, I thought I knew C# pretty well, then I was thrown right into the deep end, and now I know I have a good command over the language.

I would like to apply the same method to other languages, but unfortunately, I'm sort of stuck with C# at work.

Ideally, something similar (but broader in scope) to Project Euler is ideal. Project Euler helped me learn a ton of C++/F#, some math, algorithms, handling bignums, etc.

I'm looking for something like this.

+1  A: 

This is fun

High Performance Mark
+1  A: 

Have a look at the Google Code Jam questions.

They will push your knowledge of maths and algorithms. There are pointers to solutions for these questions as well if you get stuck

You can also download other entrants' solutions by language to see other ways of coding solutions.

+2  A: 

Try the Pragmatic Programmer's CodeKata site.

Interesting problems that are language independent.

Rob Wells
+1 this a really good site. The suggestions are great problems that aren't too hard but touch on a lot of material.

Perhaps some in this list or this other similar list might interest you.


I like the Koans system. Its a set of unit tests where completing each tests teaches a use case for the language or library.

I've done the Ruby and Python ones. There is also a DotNet one.
