



I have defined a Control with:

 static member ItemsProperty : DependencyProperty = 

 member this.Items
        with get () : MyMenuItemCollection = this.GetValue(MyMenu.ItemsProperty) :?> MyMenuItemCollection
        and set (value: MyMenuItemCollection) = this.SetValue(MyMenu.ItemsProperty, value);

The problem occurs on access:

for menuItem in this.Items do
    let contentElement: FrameworkElement = menuItem.Content

where I get a null reference exception on this.Items;

'Items' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'

Immediately after I initialized in the constructor:

    this.Items <- new CoolMenuItemCollection()

Hi, The CLR getter is NOT called by most of the framework. That is for the convienience of developer access is code behind files.

Inside your constructor would be a great place to initialize the collection if you need to.

Do NOT set a default value (null in your dependency property declaration above) to an empty collection. The default value is a shared, single static instance - so every instance of your control would share that same list, not what you are intending.

Jeff Wilcox
Thank you; I am refamiliarizing myself with .NET by writing a silverlight application in 100% F#. Its proving to be a bigger project than expected. DependencyProperty.Register shows two signatures on MSDN - however my intellisense is only showing a single signature, that takes four parameters. Am I missing something? Or could that be F# mixing the sigs?
That shouldn't matter - your dependency property Register statement is already correct.
Jeff Wilcox
That is what I thought originally but I am having issues as the code as stated is throwing the NullReference exception... SO I think somehting must be off
+1  A: 

I think the problem is that static member in F# doesn't correspond to public field as you may have expected, but to a property with get member. This means, that each time you acccess this.ItemsProperty, you're actually creating a new dependency property.

You can create a static field like this:

type Control = 
  // private static field
  static let itemsProperty : DependencyProperty =  
      ("Items", typeof<MyMenuItemCollection>, typeof<MyMenu>, null); 
  // public static property with getter 
  static member ItemsProperty = itemsProperty  

  // You can use both private 'itemsProperty' field or public property here
  member this.Items 
    with get () : MyMenuItemCollection = 
      this.GetValue(itemsProperty) :?> MyMenuItemCollection 
    and set (value: MyMenuItemCollection) = 
      this.SetValue(itemsProperty, value) 
Tomas Petricek
It fixed the NullReference exception. I think I will need to research the static modifer in F# a little more; control still isn't rendering output - but I am moving forward. Thank you