



from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os


    options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}},
    windows = [{'script': "single.py"}],
    zipfile = None,

in this setup file for py2exe where it says single.py is that where I place the name of my program?


Yes. Are you making a windowing application or a console application? See the example setup.py files that came with py2exe.

+3  A: 

I don't know your py2exe tool, but we usually use this way to convert py to exe:

  1. Download and install Standard Python Software: http://www.python.org/download/

  2. Download PyInstaller via link below: http://pyinstaller.python-hosting.com/

  3. Unpack the archive, that you have downloaded! In this examople, the directory of the unpacked files:

  4. In the <UNPACKED_FILES_DIR> directory, run Configure.py. It must be run before trying to build anything.

  5. Create a spec file for your project:

    python Makespec.py -F -p <PYTHON_LIB_PATH> <PYTHON_SCRIPT>
      -F: Produce a single file deployment.
      -p <PYTHON_LIB_PATH>: Set base path for import (like using PYTHONPATH).
         ( e.g.: C:\Program Files\Python24\Lib\ )
      <PYTHON_SCRIPT>: Path to python script.

6 Build your project!

    python Build.py <SPECFILE>
      <SPECFILE>: Path to the specfile, that have been created in step 4! 

    The full path to <SPECFILE>:
  1. The binary file will be placed in the directory of <SPECFILE>.
Denes Tarjan
Best answer ever!
Manuel Ferreria