



I'm using .NET 2.0 with standard controls. I want to display a simple list with the following formatting:

alt text

  • Column1 contains a 32x32px icon
  • The second column contains 2 text lines:
    • 1 Bold formatted text line
    • 1 Non bold line
  • Rows are separated by a dotted line (3px space, 1px dot, 1px height)

What's the best way to do this ?

.... edit: .....

  • We tried this using ListView, but you can't add 2 lines in a column with different formatting ... same with datagridview ...
  • ObjectListView would do the trick, but we cannot use this because it has GPL licensing ..
+2  A: 

How about a Listview in Tile mode:

For more control you would need to owner draw a listview (or list box)

Alex K.
Because there are 2 almost identical answers, we voted for the first submitted post ... sorry I cant vote 2 answers, I'll give you +1 though, thanks ..
+2  A: 

You might be able to use this one: A Much Easier to Use ListView

If not you can create your own: How to: Create an Owner-Drawn List Box

Jens Granlund
Went for the owner-drawn Listview. Works great now, thanks!