hi, is it possiable to set 2 data field for an image control whiling binding
**<Image Source="{Binding ItemID, Converter={StaticResource IDToImageConverter}}" Height="50" />**
now here i need to add one more value Price now. need to send even price as an paramter for IDToImageConverter function
how can i do it?
now i need to check first price value there are 3 condition i neeed to check
in my IDToImageConverter function
if( price> 5o)
// then get the ItemID based on the value bind image here
if(ItemID >20)
// bind image1
if(ItemID >50)
// bind image2
if( price> 100)
// as above codition we do here
now how can i add these above functionality in IDToImageConverter ? any idea how i can solve it
<Image Source="{Binding ItemID, Converter={StaticResource IDToImageConverter}}" Height="50" />
public class IDToImageConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
Uri uri = new Uri("~/Images/" + value.ToString()+ ".jpg", UriKind.Relative);
return new BitmapImage(uri);
thanks in advance. for anyhelp you provide prince