




I'm trying to add a context (right click) menu to a Qt QListView. I see in Qt 3.3 there is "contextMenuRequested" (which I could use) - http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qlistview.html#contextMenuRequested. However, I can't see such a method in Qt4. Does anyone know how to add a context menu to a QListView?

+1  A: 

I don't know why the signal has been removed but it's still a QWidget so you can always override

void QWidget::contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent* );


void QWidget::customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& pos );

depending on your context menu policy setting for the widget.

customContextMenuRequested() is a signal, not an overridable function
Harald Scheirich
+1  A: 

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish but you can easily add a context menu to any widget by calling QWidget::AddAction(QAction*) with the actions that you want to add to your context menu and setting the context menu policy


the widget will prepare and show the context menu, all you need to do is hook up the actions triggered() signals to the appropriate handlers

Harald Scheirich