




During solution deployments & Feature activation, I am facing an on/off issue where the system is unable to find & load the FeatureReceiver class. Mostly it is file not found exception (even though the assembly is there in the GAC). I checked over the net and this seems it a common issue with solutions (wsp) packaging DLL to be GACed. (But, no one has any clue or solution!) What is the recommendation and guideline to fix this issue? We are setting the flag to reset IIS in my solution definition - but that does not seem to help. The issue is more prevalent in multi-M farms.



First thing, you dont need to give iisreset as your wsp deployment would have already done that. Can you check if the assembly name, version, public token specified in the feature.xml is same at the actual assembly that is deployed in gac? I am thinking there is mismatch in assembly signature

Regards, Faiz
