



I'm about to submit my first iPad app, and I have 2 questions regarding to Default.png images.

  1. I would prefer a "splash screen" showing some artwork of my app, instead of the UI as if it was loaded, the app is a bit heavy and I've seen the users dispair when the UI is apparently loaded but it's not working. Does anyone know if apple is accepting apps with "splash screens"?

  2. I want to provide a Default-X.png for every orientation, I've read the iPad programming guide, my question is, is "Default-LandscapeLeft" a Default image rotated 90 degrees clockwise, and "Default-LandscapeRight" rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise?

I'm asking this because I don't have an iPad yet to test this on.

Thank you a lot in advance.

+1  A: 
  1. Some are accepted, some are not, it doesn't all depend on that. However, it is recommended that you avoid the heavy loading times that would require a splash-screen. You could find a compromise by showing an image of a faded-out version of your working UI. If you need initial loading activity, consider deferring this loading stage after the Default.png is displayed, and use a view with similar aspect, but with some sort of progress indicator.

  2. You don't need an iPad to test it, you can use the simulator, it can be rotated.

+1  A: 

Take a look in the App Store, most apps use a splash screen rather than a UI capture, despite what the UI guidelines say.

And you are correct about the Default.png layouts, although left and right can be the same image if you wish.

Paul Lynch

About Interface Orientation, I have not tested that yet. But if I imagine the iPad in normal portrait position (being the exit button at the bottom)

I would think that Default-LandscapeLeft is iPad turned counter-clockwise while Default-LandscapeRight is clockwise.

Unless you have a clock which is turning backwards... :-)

