



I asked to my friend about this question, he said that it is used for destroying the object created during the exception handling. But in c# GC is there for destroying such kinds of unused objects, then what is the actual use of finally block. Tell me with a scenario related to that.

+11  A: 

The GC will clear managed resources (objects your application has created in memory) when they are no longer referenced. This doesn't include things like file handles, network resources, database connections etc... You must clear them up yourself in the finally block or risk them not clearing (although most will clear eventually).

OR, more commonly:

Many classes which which unmanaged resources to be disposed of implement the IDisposable interface. This means you can wrap the code in a using block and be sure that the unmanaged resources will be cleared (it calls the object's Dispose() method when it goes out of scope).

A good example of using the finally block is when you use an Office interop library. Say you open Microsoft Word, run some code, code fails...Word will always need closing regardless of whether an error occurred or not. Therefore I would put the closing code in the finally block.

David Neale
+12  A: 

It is a block that is guaranteed to run whether or not an exception occurs.

So typically, you would use it if there is some sort of resource that you want to ensure is properly released. Nothing to do with objects created during the exception handling. But say you had a connection of some kind to a database, or a file handle.

If it's a managed object that implements IDisposable, a better approach is normally the using keyword.

David M
+1 for giving the definition, plain and simple, first.
+1  A: 

finally is used to ensure the execution of certain operations whether or not an exception occurs.

One of the use - albeit not much "elegant" - is a call to close() on a previously opened db connection. More in general is used for all the things that the GC does not clear up (such as db or network connections).


finally block is not only for memory releasing! Think about this case: within a 'try' block you - 1. Open a connection to a DB 2. Execute a query step 2 failed with an exception. However, in any case, you should close the connection to the DB - the right place to do it is within a finally block.

This is only an example. There are many many different cases that may need the finally block.

+4  A: 

The GC will eventually destroy the object, that's true. But the finally block is useful when you have non-memory resources that would be best released ASAP. For example, if you have a database connection, you don't want the connection to remain open for a (possibly indertminately) long time until the finalizer runs, so you put it inside a using block (which is just syntatic sugar for a try ... finally block):

using(var conn = new SqlConnection(...))
    // use the connection

This is syntactic sugar for (basically):

var conn = new SqlConnection(...);
    // use the connection

Now, if you didn't have the finally/using, then the connection would eventually be disposed when the object's finalizer runs, but because you don't know what that will happen, it's better to wrap usage of the object in the using block to ensuer that the connection is closed as soon as it is no longer needed.

Dean Harding
+1  A: 

finally block is used, when you want a piece of code run irrespective of the exception has occured or not. For example to close a database connection.


The garbage collector will collect managed resources in due time. For those that also hold on to unmanaged resources like network resources, database connections or file handles etc, they normally support the IDisposable interface, and if done correctly will still free up the resources via a finaliser; however by Dispose()ing in a finally block allows you to control when these resources are released.

If you only have a single IDisposable object, then a using block may be more appropriate, although the jury is still out if you either (a) need to handle exceptions thrown within the block, or (b) have a few IDisposable objects all being used together (say, SqlConnection, SqlCommand...)

Rowland Shaw