



(I asked this question but did not receive much response. It was recommended that I ask the same question with regards to C#. )

I am a VB.NET developer with little C# experience (yes, I know I need to write more in C#), looking for small open source projects that demonstrate high unit testing coverage from which to learn.

I'm looking for small projects because I don't want to have to wade through a ton of code to get a better understanding of how to apply unit testing in my own situation, in which I write mostly IT business apps used internally by my company.

UPDATE: Original question that got me asking about this is here


Try looking at FileHelpers ( I recently had to make an edit to it and found the source code easy to wade through. It has a large number of tests.

Josh Bush
+1  A: 

My MiscUtil library has variable test coverage - some parts are very thoroughly tested, and others were written before I knew about unit testing.

If you wanted to learn by writing some tests for the uncovered stuff, you'd be very welcome :)

It's a big of a grab-bag of useful bits and pieces - which is handy in some ways, as you can take almost any bit and study it on its own. There's no "overall architecture" to learn.

Jon Skeet

Hi Gern, this link is related to Silverlight but the concepts are probably very similar (from a TDD'ish point of view):

Ricardo Villamil
+1  A: 

I recommend looking at CarTrackr it has a wide range of .Net technologies that a developer should be familiar with (Unity, MVC framework especially) and has extensive unit testing. The project is simple enough to digest in 1 sitting but complex enough to actually be more than a proof-of-concept. Their codeplex url is at

Chris Marisic

My GeoNames .NET WCF Client


Matt Hinze
There is currently no download there. Am I missing something?
Gern Blandston
Use a subversion client to check out the source code and run ClickToBuild.bat
Matt Hinze


I need to have source code instead of tool for testing of a software. Please help me out ASAP. Thanks in advance.


Please ask a separate question instead of hijacking someone else's.
Andy Shellam