



A little background on the application that I am gonna talk about in the next few lines:

XYZ is a data masking workbench eclipse RCP application: You give it a source table column, and a target table column, it would apply a trasformation (encryption/shuffling/etc) and copy the row data from source table to target table. Now, when I mask n tables at a time, n threads are launched by this app.

Here is the issue:

I have run into a production issue on first roll out of the above said app. Unfortunately, I don't have any logs to get to the root. However, I tried to run this app in test region and do a stress test.

When I collected .hprof files and ran 'em through an analyzer (yourKit), I noticed that objects of oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement were retaining heap. The analysis also tells me that one of my classes is holding a reference to this preparedstatement object and thereby, n threads have n such objects. T4CPreparedStatement seemed to have character arrays: lastBoundChars and bindChars each of size char[300000].

So, I researched a bit (google!), obtained ojdbc6.jar and tried decompiling T4CPreparedStatement. I see that T4CPreparedStatement extends OraclePreparedStatement, which dynamically manages array size of lastBoundChars and bindChars.

So, my questions here are:

  1. Have you ever run into an issue like this?
  2. Do you know the significance of lastBoundChars / bindChars?
  3. I am new to profiling, so do you think I am not doing it correct? (I also ran the hprofs through MAT - and this was the main identified issue - so, I don't really think I could be wrong?)

I have found something similar on the web here:

Appreciate your suggestions / advice.

+1  A: 

While possible, it seems unlikely you've found a huge memory leak in 11g. I would start by getting the actual SQL from the leaked cursors and looking in code for where that SQL is created. A very common cause of leaked cursors I have found in the past is code like this:

try {
PreparedStatment stmt = null;
stmt = con.prepareStatement("SOME AWESOME SQL");
//lots of lines of code that masks the problem
stmt = con.prepareStatment("DIFFERENT SQL"); //You just leaked "SOME AWESOME SQL"!!!
//lots more code
} finally {
stmt.close() //looks like everything is ok, but only the second one actually got closed
Affe, thank you, for the hint. I will scan my code for this and post updates

Which version of oracle you are using (like

Amit I guess.