



I'm using django.test.client.Client to test whether some text shows up when a user is logged in. However, I the Client object doesn't seem to be keeping me logged in.

This test passes if done manually with Firefox but not when done with the Client object.

class Test(TestCase):
    def test_view(self):

        client = self.client
        # I thought a more manual way would work, but no luck
        #'/login', {'username':user.username, 'password':password})
        login_successful = client.login(username=user.username, password=password)
        # this assert passes  

        response = client.get("/path", follow=True)
        #whether follow=True or not doesn't seem to work

        self.assertContains(response, "needle" )

When I print response it returns the login form that is hidden by:

{% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}
    ... form ...
{% endif %}

This is confirmed when I run ipython shell.

The problem seems to be that the Client object is not keeping the session authenticated.


I use RequestContext to get the logged in user into the template context.

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.template import RequestContext

def index(request):
   return render_to_response('page.html',

and in the template

{% if user.is_authenticated %} ... {{ user.username }} .. {% endif %}

This works as expected (I don't get to this page without logging in, and when I get there, the username is present in response.content) when driven through the test client.

Dave W. Smith
I don't think that's the issue. If I weren't importing the context correctly then it wouldn't work in Firefox as well as with Client. The problem is that it does work in Firefox but not with client so I can't test the functionality.
Your use of request.user.is_authenticated (rather than user.is_authenticated) suggests that you're not using the context. If it didn't work for you via a browser, I'd suspect that you're not passing `{'request': request}` to your template.
Dave W. Smith

FWIW, an update to Django 1.2 (I was running 1.1.1 before) fixed it. I have no idea what was broken there, considering when I last ran that test suite about 2 weeks ago, it worked great.

So you encountered the same problem?
I also upgraded to Django 1.2 and the problem went away. Thanks!

Just happened to me when retesting an app that has been working and forgotten for some months.

The solution (apart from updating to Django 1.2) is Patch #11821. In short, Python 2.6.5 has some bugfix in the Cookie module, triggering an edge case bug in the test client.
