




Anyone knows a good way to resize any window to for example 640x480?

Reason is, of course, screencasting.

Under windows I've used ZoneSize from donationcoder. (Btw: For Firefox it's easy, just use the web developer toolbar.)

+5  A: 

Use the wmctrl command:

To list the windows:

$ wmctrl -l
0x00c00003 -1 rgamble-desktop Bottom Expanded Edge Panel
0x00c00031 -1 rgamble-desktop Top Expanded Edge Panel
0x00e00022 -1 rgamble-desktop Desktop
0x0260007c  0 rgamble-desktop Google - Mozilla Firefox

To resize a window based on its title:

wmctrl -r Firefox -e 0,0,0,640,480

The arguments to the resize option are gravity,X,Y,width,height so this will place the window at the top-left corner of the screen and resize it to 640X480.

Robert Gamble
Thats great stuff!
Ali A
Thanks! Solved my problem!
Erik Itland