




I am using the create_user() function that Django provides to create my users. Also I want to store additional information about the users. So I tried following the instructions given at


but I cannot get it to work for me. Is there a step-by-step guide that I can follow to get this to work for me?

Also, once I have added these custom fields, I would obviously need to add / edit / delete data from them. I cannot seem to find any instructions on how to do this.


It's just another model. You manipulate it exactly the same way you manipulate every other model you come across.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
+4  A: 

I am not aware of a step by step(though I am sure a solid google would produce something). But here is a quick go at it.

1) Create a UserProfile model to hold the extra information and put it in your models.py. It could look something like this:

class UserProfile(models.Model):
    #required by the auth model
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
    middle_name = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=True, blank=True)

2) Tell your settings.py about the new class by adding this line (with the appropriate name):

AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "myapp.UserProfile"

3) Add a signal listener to create a blank UserProfile record when a new user is added. You can find a great snippet with directions here.

4) When processing the new user record you can populate the UserProfile record as well. Here is how I do the insert (notice the get_profile):

if (form.is_valid()):
    cd = form.cleaned_data
    user = User.objects.create_user(cd["UserName"], cd["Email"], cd["Password"])
    user.first_name = cd["FirstName"]
    user.last_name = cd["LastName"]
    #Save userinfo record
    uinfo = user.get_profile()
    uinfo.middle_name = cd["MiddleName"]

That is all there is to it. This is not comprehensive, but should point you in the right direction.

Jason Webb
I've tried that. I get and error stating 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_default_manager'.
Tried what specifically? Where are you getting that error?
Jason Webb
Created a file named UserProfile.py. Added the required code. Made changes in settings.py(AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'app.UserProfile').I get an error while trying to save the middle name i.e. at the line uinfo = user.get_profile()
You need to put the UserProfile in models.py. Then run `python manage.py syncdb` to apply to your database. Check your database to be sure that the table was actually created. Then try again.
Jason Webb

@Gaurav I think you have to make UserProfile "model" class in models.py and then go on as mentioned above by BigJason.
