




This is the code I'm using to update an SQL database:

Public Sub main()

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    cnn.Open "ConnectionName"
    rst.ActiveConnection = cnn
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    rst.Source = "Update Table ..."

    Set rst = Nothing
    Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub

What I want to know is if and how I should deal with the rst object after opening it. Do I close it? When I try doing rst.Close, I get the error: "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed". The code works fine without rst.Close, I'm wondering if there are any dangers to not closing the object.


An update returns no rows, so no need to open a recordset.

You can execute the statement directly using:

Connection.Execute "Update Table ...", [flags]

To answer your question, after .Open the recordset is closed (its .state will be adStateClosed) as no data has been returned, so setting it to nothing is sufficent.

Alex K.
+3  A: 

An UPDATE operation does not return a resultset. Therefore, if executed with a Recordset object, it results in an empty and closed recordset. It cannot be closed anyway because it has never been opened.

A rule of thumb is:

if rst.State <> adStateClosed then rst.Close

But, because you are executing a command that's not going to return data anyway, the preferred way is:

dim cm as ADODB.Command
set cm = new adodb.command
set cm.activeconnection = cnn
cm.commandtype = adCmdText
cm.commandtext = "UPDATE ..."

cm.execute ,, adExecuteNoRecords

Or, if your SQL is a fixed string that doesn't have parameters,

cnn.execute "UPDATE ...",, adExecuteNoRecords

Also, please change rst.ActiveConnection = cnn to Set rst.ActiveConnection = cnn.
