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Good place to start learning ASP.NET
Help getting started in programming?

I am new to programming.How can I best start to learn?Thanx in advance......

+1  A: 

Has been asked many times before... but the basic answer is:

  1. Find an interesting project to work on
  2. Choose a langage depending on what domain you prefer (web, softwares, and so on)
  3. Learn from your mistakes
  4. Repeat step 1.
You can also repeat to step 1. if you want to widen your knowledge once you somehow master a langage.
I'd swap steps 1 and 2 in this.
High Performance Mark
Downvoter... care to share your opinion ?

Write code, seek for problems to solve and solve them

Stick to one language and use it as your instrument

Think about what you're doing

Read books

+1  A: 

Read this.


Today make a simple Tic Tac Toe game, tomorrow a snake game, after that add another computer controlled snake to fight you for the same point. After these are done find a target and go for it.

Do not let a day pass without writing at least a the smallest of applications.

Ovidiu Pacurar
This smacks far too much of learning how to be an amateur programmer that I'm downvoting it. OP is short one sandwich from the picnic to accept it.
High Performance Mark
Who am I to stop you... but even for those stupid games there is a lot of decision making and he can not do them without diving deep in graphics APIs. The brain learns faster by following a trail of small victories than by copy pasting examples from bible sized books.
Ovidiu Pacurar

write code, if you don't know what to write find a site that has programming puzzles, something like Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers

In addition to that, start reading code, download an open source project and look at how they coded it and then learn from it

subscribe to podcasts about your specific language


I began by learning the basics of Java (I read a few books, but didn't really get the hang of it). Then I began taking courses at the university, and there we were "forced" to learn C.

I remember thinking that it was a complete waste of time - at least we should learn C++. But a few years later I understand why they promoted C, and I still use it quite a lot.

The good thing about C is that you have to do "everything" yourself. You really learn to understand and use data structures, sorting algorithms and memory management in a good way, by implementing them yourself.

The newer students at school begin by learning C#, and while it's a good language - a lot of the deeper understanding we learned from C is lost.

It's too easy to start use something that's served to you by .Net or Cocoa without really understanding what goes on under the hood.

Learning C isn't the fastest way to produce a bunch of programs - but it's a great start if you really want to learn how things work.

Its the basic problem with the students that without understanding the basics they jump into the higher languages.You are right Sir we should start from the basics.
Kushal Singla