



To assist with a project I'm working on, I request your input to the following questions. I'm looking for your thoughts regarding programming language syntax and built-in capabilities, NOT about available frameworks and libraries.

(1) In the different programming languages you use, what langauge features do you think are lacking?

(2) What language features that are available in one language do you wish were available in another?

(3) What are the undesirable limitations of the langauge that annoy you?

(4) What capabilities could be improved with better syntax, and how would you change it?

I'm grateful for any input you would provide. Thanks.


Answers to this question for a variety of languages are pretty well covered in this question:

Greg Hewgill
That question has some of what I'm looking for, but I'd still appreciate answers to my specific question.
  1. I've yet to really find something lacking in Ruby(my favorite language) except for maybe being able to distinguish between methods and properties. But in C# There is how you must cast almost everything! And the casts make the code look extremely ugly. Also, if yield was available for more stuff than just foreach, then it would be much more handy. Also in the foreach looping, why did microsoft not build in a break next or something to that extent? I won't even go into the obvious things that should exist but don't in C

  2. I wish more of the functional aspects of Ruby were available in C#(such as a general purpose yield.

  3. umm.. don't get the question.

  4. In C#, [attributes] really suck for syntax. It makes it instantly ugly. I'm not sure how I would change it, but it wouldn't stick out so much if I changed it
