





I'm having an issue when trying to access a WCF service behind an ISA Firewall 2004. Apparently my Windows client can connect and receive data when using Buffered mode but not when using Streamed mode.

The error I'm getting is 400 Bad Request - Unsupported headers, so I'm not sure what Streamed mode adds to the message headers that cause this. I've used MessageContract classes successfully in buffered mode, but not in Streamed mode. I need to use MessageContract classes in order to transfer streams, along with other information, across. When I place the WCF service site into a machine which isn't protected by ISA (2004 or other), or when I access it and consume its methods from within our LAN, it works fine. I'm using basic http binding with MTOM for the streamed transfer.

Has anyone else had this problem? Could it be bacause ISA Firewall 2004 is a bit old to support WCF?