




I have a bunch of name-parentname pairs, that I'd like to turn into as few heirarchical tree dtructures as possible. So for example, these could be the pairings:

Child : Parent
    H : G
    F : G
    G : D
    E : D
    A : E
    B : C
    C : E
    D : NULL

Which needs to be transformed into (a) heirarchical tree(s):

├── E
│   ├── A
│   │   └── B
│   └── C   
└── G
    ├── F
    └── H

The end result that I want is a nested set of <ul> elements, with each <li> containing the child's name.

There are no inconsistencies in the pairings (child is it's own parent, parent is child's child, etc), so a bunch of optimizations can probably be made.

How, in PHP, would I go from an array containing child=>parent pairs, to a set of Nested <ul>s?

I have a feeling that recursion is involved, but I'm not quite awake enough to think it through.

+4  A: 

This requires a very basic recursive function to parse the child/parent pairs to a tree structure and another recursive function to print it out. Only one function would suffice but here's two for clarity (a combined function can be found at the end of this answer).

First initialize the array of child/parent pairs:

$tree = array(
    'H' => 'G',
    'F' => 'G',
    'G' => 'D',
    'E' => 'D',
    'A' => 'E',
    'B' => 'C',
    'C' => 'E',
    'D' => null

Then the function that parses that array into a hierarchical tree structure:

function parseTree($root, $tree) {
    $return = array();
    # Traverse the tree and search for direct children of the root
    foreach($tree as $child => $parent) {
        # A direct child is found
        if($parent == $root) {
            # Remove item from tree (we don't need to traverse this again)
            # Append the child into result array and parse it's children
            $return[] = array(
                'name' => $child,
                'children' => parseTree($child, $tree)
    return empty($return) ? null : $return;    

And a function that traverses that tree to print out an unordered list:

function printTree($tree) {
    if(!is_null($tree) && count($tree) > 0) {
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach($tree as $node) {
            echo '<li>'.$node['name'];
            echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';

And the actual usage:

$result = parseTree(null, $tree);

If you want a bit more efficiency, you can combine those functions into one and reduce the number of iterations made:

function parseAndPrintTree($root, $tree) {
    $return = array();
    if(!is_null($tree) && count($tree) > 0) {
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach($tree as $child => $parent) {
            if($parent == $root) {                    
                echo '<li>'.$child;
                parseAndPrintTree($child, $tree);
                echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';

You'll only save 8 iterations on a dataset as small as this but on bigger sets it could make a difference.

Tatu Ulmanen

Well, to parse into ULs and LIs, it would be something like:

$array = array (
    'H' => 'G'
    'F' => 'G'
    'G' => 'D'
    'E' => 'D'
    'A' => 'E'
    'B' => 'C'
    'C' => 'E'
    'D' => 'NULL'

recurse_uls ($array, 'NULL');

function recurse_uls ($array, $parent)
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($array as $c => $p)  {
        if ($p != $parent) continue;
        echo '<li>'.$c.'</li>';
        recurse_uls ($array, $c);
    echo '</ul>';

But I'd love to see a solution that doesn't require you to iterate through the array so often...

+1  A: 

Well, first I would turn the straight array of key-value pairs into a hierarchical array

function convertToHeiarchical(array $input) {
    $parents = array();
    $root = array();
    $children = array();
    foreach ($input as $item) {
        $parents[$item['id']] = &$item;
        if ($item['parent_id']) {
            if (!isset($children[$item['parent_id']])) {
                $children[$item['parent_id']] = array();
            $children[$item['parent_id']][] = &$item;
        } else {
            $root = $item['id'];
    foreach ($parents as $id => &$item) {
        if (isset($children[$id])) {
            $item['children'] = $children[$id];
        } else {
            $item['children'] = array();
    return $parents[$root];

That'll can convert a flat array with parent_id and id into a hierarchical one:

$item = array(
    'id' => 'A',
    'blah' => 'blah',
    'children' => array(
            'id' => 'B',
            'blah' => 'blah',
            'children' => array(
                    'id' => 'C',
                    'blah' => 'blah',
                    'children' => array(),
            'id' => 'D',
            'blah' => 'blah',
            'children' => array(
                    'id' => 'E',
                    'blah' => 'blah',
                    'children' => array(),

Then, just create a rendering function:

function renderItem($item) {
    $out = "Your OUtput For Each Item Here";
    $out .= "<ul>";
    foreach ($item['children'] as $child) {
        $out .= "<li>".renderItem($child)."</li>";
    $out .= "</ul>";
    return $out;

Here's what I came up with:

$arr = array(
            'H' => 'G',
            'F' => 'G',
            'G' => 'D',
            'E' => 'D',
            'A' => 'E',
            'B' => 'C',
            'C' => 'E',
            'D' => null );

    $nested = parentChild($arr);

    function parentChild(&$arr, $parent = false) {
      if( !$parent) { //initial call
         $rootKey = array_search( null, $arr);
         return array($rootKey => parentChild($arr, $rootKey));
      }else { // recursing through
        $keys = array_keys($arr, $parent);
        $piece = array();
        if($keys) { // found children, so handle them
          if( !is_array($keys) ) { // only one child
            $piece = parentChild($arr, $keys);
           }else{ // multiple children
             foreach( $keys as $key ){
               $piece[$key] = parentChild($arr, $key);
        }else {
           return $parent; //return the main tag (no kids)
        return $piece; // return the array built via recursion


    [D] => Array
            [G] => Array
                    [H] => H
                    [F] => F

            [E] => Array
                    [A] => A
                    [C] => Array
                            [B] => B
Dan Heberden
+3  A: 

Yet Another Function To Make A Tree (no recursion involved, uses references instead):

$array = array('H' => 'G', 'F' => 'G', ..., 'D' => null);

function to_tree($array)
    $flat = array();
    $tree = array();

    foreach ($array as $child => $parent) {
        if (!isset($flat[$child])) {
            $flat[$child] = array();
        if (!empty($parent)) {
            $flat[$parent][$child] =& $flat[$child];
        } else {
            $tree[$child] =& $flat[$child];

    return $tree;

Returns an hierarchical array like this one:

    [D] => Array(
        [G] => Array(
            [H] => Array()
            [F] => Array()

Which can easily be printed as a HTML list using recursive function.

Alexander Konstantinov
+1 - Very clever. Although I find the recursive solution more logical. But I do prefer the output format of your function.
+1 for being bad-ass
Dan Heberden
+1 awesome man-