



I have been wrestling with the following problem for a couple of days and need a bit of guidance as client side web development is not my forte!

I have a Struts action that returns XML as part of the response, this action was initially called from the src attribute of an iframe which performed an xslt and turned the xml into HTML using the xsl specified within the xml. The iframe handled this seamlessly apart from in IE6 where just a blank frame is rendered.

First if there is a quick alternative way round this using iFrame i am all ears?

However i have begun to implement a different solution using an XMLHTTPRequest to the action that return the same XML and then transforms it before setting the innerHTML of a div within the parent page (rather than the iframe). The request works and returns the XML but i cant find a way to transform the xml to html in javascript or a library like Sarissa that doesn't require both the XML and the XSL sources.

Surely there is a way to perform xlst on the browser where you only pass XML and the XSL reference is resolved internally, after all the iframe manages it?
